Welcome to Kirk's Sharpening and Repair Services

All work done quickly and professionally.

Serving customers throughout the U.S. with a primary focus on Rapid City and West River, South Dakota, Southwest North Dakota, Southeast Montana, Eastern Wyoming and the Nebraska Panhandle.

In 2006, Kirk Fenner learned the sharpening industry from the highly respected Bob Schiessl of Nebraska Blades, a national leader in sharpening and the leading manufacturer of professional clipper blade sharpening machines.

His business has grown every year since. “I love being my own boss and love the interaction with new customers,” he said. “There are other sharpeners in my area, but I’m not aware of any who take the time to explain problems with clippers and clipper blades. I encourage people to call me with questions about their clipper blades and clippers, beauty shears and scissors.” (See our contact page).

Kirk’s Sharpening and Repair carries stock factory parts for Oster and Andis. Parts for clippers from other manufacturers must be ordered from a wholesaler. Bargain off-brand clippers sometimes cannot be repaired due to inferior or unavailable parts.

The bulk of Kirk’s Sharpening and Repair business comes large- and small-animal clippers and shears used by dog groomers, veterinarian clinics, and ranchers that do freeze branding. The company also professionally sharpens and repairs beauty salon clippers and shears, chef’s knives, pocket and hunting knives and home kitchen knives.

“Our goal is to quickly turn around all sharpening and repair orders. We track all return shipping and add insurance according to customer requirements,” Kirk said.

We serve the following communities and rural areas in South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Nebraska: Rapid City, Spearfish, Deadwood, Lead, Sturgis, Piedmont, Summerset, Buffalo Chip, Newell, Belle Fourche, Custer, Hill City, Edgemont, Wall, Philip, Lemmon, Hot Springs, Faith, Pierre/Ft. Pierre, Winner, Pine Ridge, Martin and Edgemont in South Dakota; Dickenson, Mott, Hettinger, Bowman, Elgin, Mandan, Medora, Killdeer, Watford City, Williston and Bismarck in North Dakota; Sundance, Gillette and Newcastle in Wyoming; Broadus and Miles City in Montana and Chadron, Crawford, Scottsbluff and Alliance in Nebraska.

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