Kirk's Sharpening and Repair Services



Cleaning: Using a soft cloth wipe blades between uses and after disinfecting. Chemicals and debris build up on shears and in-between pivot point. Law requires disinfecting after each use to kill bacteria, germs and viruses.

Sprays: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for use of sprays, making sure to oil after each use, as sprays can dry the pivot point. Use only manufacturer recommended oil.

Liquids: Here again follow manufactures recommendations and also oil after using liquids.

Water: Try and stay away from wate-based sprays and liquids as they can rust the pivot points if they are not totally dried and oiled.

Lubrication: This is very important after each use of sprays or liquids. Alcohol or petroleum products will dry the pivot point making the shears difficult to operate. The oils used on most shears have oil with wax type liquid to help preserve smooth operation. They will also enhance the performance and extend the life of the shears, the cutting edge, protect them from rust and deterioration from chemicals and moisture. This also prevents bacteria build up which attracts debris (hair, dirt, chemicals and dust). Proper lubrication also reduces friction and blade movement keeping them sharp longer.

Adjusting tension and balancing the shears: Adjust the tension by tightening or loosening the shears at the pivot point. Too loose and it will fold the hair. Too tight and it will cause fatigue and prematurely wear the blades. TEST the free fall or tension by holding the shears straight in the air and allow one blade to drop, or close. It should start to hang at about 2/3 of the length of the blade if it hangs before the point it needs to be loosened. If it closes all the way, it needs to be tighter.

Storage: Keep the blades closed when not in use. This prevents nicking and accidental damage if dropped. Don’t ever use a magnet to hold your shears. Doing so attracts unwanted debris, dust and metal fillings from clippers or metal combs or metal from other shears. Such debris will dull your shears. Do not throw them uncased into a drawer. Keep them in the case provided by the manufacturer or in a leather case.

Sharpening: Your shears are important and expensive tools of your trade. Allow only a professional sharpener with an excellent reputation to sharpen those tools. Ask your colleagues. You want a professional sharpener dedicated to removing only as much metal as necessary to sharpen the shears. NOTE: If your shears are under warranty, return them to the manufacturer for sharpening. Most manufacturers will sharpen them at no cost or replace them, particularly while you are in school.







Sprays: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding how and when to use washes.

  1. Spray on clipper blade before turning on the clipper. Some clipper sprays have petroleum products and may cause problems when operating the clippers while spraying, particularly if the spray makes contact with the electric motor’s brushes.
  2. Sprays help wash hair out as well as disinfecting and lubricating and coolant cleaning. Some have rust preventive properties. Read the manufacturer’s specifications.
  3. Wipe off and let dry before lubricating.
  4. Lubricate after using the spray on the blades. Four drops, one drop each on each side, front and back. Lubricate both sides of the clipper blade and operate the clipper. Then wipe off excess oil to prevent the clipper from bunching hair and oil. Too much oil will gum up the blades.

Washes: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding how and when to use washes.

  1. You can use washes to clean clippers if you submerge only the blade no more. Operate the clipper to remove build up of hair and other debris. Most washes only require a short run to disinfect, clean, lubricate cool and prevent rust. IMPORANT: Never turn clipper up with motor down and the blade up. Fluid from the cleaner can get inside the electrical components and cause problems. Most clippers are not sealed in this area.
  2. Wipe off excess and dry before lubricating.
  3. Lubricate blades as described in (4.) above.


Read and follow the manufacturer’s manual to learn how to clean clipper and how to lubricate your clippers.


We look forward to meeting you and serving you!

We serve the following communities and rural areas in South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Nebraska: Rapid City, Spearfish, Deadwood, Lead, Sturgis, Piedmont, Summerset, Buffalo Chip, Newell, Belle Fourche, Custer, Hill City, Wall, Philip, Lemmon, Hot Springs, Faith, Pierre/Ft. Pierre, Winner, Pine Ridge, Martin and Edgemont in South Dakota; Dickenson and Bismarck in North Dakota; Sundance, Gillette and Newcastle in Wyoming; Broadus and Miles City in Montana and Chadron, Crawford, Scottsbluff and Alliance in Nebraska.

© 2006- Kirk's Sharpening and Repair Services. All rights reserved.